[arch-general] Fix or not fix? install scriptlets with user handling.

Jan Spakula jan.spakula at gmx.com
Sat May 30 03:41:06 EDT 2009

Excerpts from Attila's message of Fr Mai 29 17:42:23 +0200 2009:
> And still again i suggest to take a look at other distros where daemons get
> restarted without a problem during a upgrade procedure. Sorry, but i find
> this rule of "don't restart during the upgrade" a little bit academically.-)

For me it's about 'expectations'. I expect a package manager to manage packages
(unpack a new one over the old one in a sensible manner) and don't expect it to
decide what's best for me in terms of what's running or not. I still find it
100% better to *let me know* that config might have changed (pacman does this
automatically) and that something might need to be done if, say, I run this and
that daemon. Don't run it for me. And if you absolutely have to, *let me know*.


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