[arch-general] keyboard not working in Xorg after package updates

David Rosenstrauch darose at darose.net
Thu Apr 8 23:05:31 EDT 2010

On Thu, April 8, 2010 9:51 pm, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
> So .... WTF?!?!?!?  Hal sees the keyboard.  And xev running inside the x
> session sees the keyboard.  SO WHY ON EARTH IS MY KEYBOARD STILL DEAD IN

Wee hee!  It gets weirder!

* Bizarrely enough, *some* of the keys on the keyboard actually work (such
as / * - + on the numeric keypad).

* I'm getting a load of errors in the slim.log file that look like this:
expected keysym, got XF86_Switch_VT_1 line 8 of xfree86

W  T  F  ? ! ?


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