[arch-general] Python 3 Rationale?

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Wed Oct 20 20:01:03 EDT 2010

On 21/10/10 01:45, maxc wrote:
> There is an excellent post by Guido here, Hilton:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2008-February/011910.html

That was in February 2008...  Back when we were using python-2.5 because 
neither python-2.6 or python-3.0 had been released.  So I doubt even 
Guido really cares what he thought then.  Things have changed.

Anyway, the point of this discussion is...  well, there isn't one.

The only way the python symlinks are going to change from what we 
currently have is if a person who wants them changes:
  - becomes active in the community
  - is elected as a TU
  - gets brought on as a developer
  - convinces me they are competent enough to take over python maintenance
  - makes the change
At which point we all go "WTF? Those symlinks have been like that for 
two years." and revoke developer privileges as they are a crazy person 
and should not be trusted with our packages.

Case closed.

Now a good use of time would be to help resolve any remaining issues 
with this transition.  Make sure bug reports are made for packages from 
our repos that are having issues and post fixes.  Help people on the AUR 
update their packages for the change.  Report upstream any packages that 
keep a shebang pointing to python when the software was configured with 
python2 or if their software can not be configured to use a specific 
version of python.  Update the python page on the wiki.


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