[arch-general] Xorg 1.9 - This traing is going to hell.

Jeff Cook jeff at deserettechnology.com
Thu Sep 30 17:15:54 EDT 2010

The only problem I've had is slow nvidia rendering with the stable
drivers. Upgraded to nvidia-beta and all is better now.

For those who might not know, you can upgrade to nvidia-beta by doing this:

1. Install a pacman wrapper that searches AUR too, I use clyde.
2. sudo clyde -Rd nvidia nvidia-utils
3. sudo clyde -S nvidia-beta --noconfirm

You also go the old-fashioned way and just grab the PKGBUILD from AUR,
in which case you remove the packages with pacman -Rd and then cd into
the directory that contains the PKGBUILD and makepkg -i.

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