[arch-general] What are people's opinions about this?
Auguste Pop
auguste at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 21:59:42 EDT 2011
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 9:55 AM, Grigorios Bouzakis <grbzks at xsmail.com>wrote:
> Yaro Kasear wrote:
> > On Wednesday, April 13, 2011 20:45:32 Grigorios Bouzakis wrote:
> >> This feature request: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/23747
> >>
> >> ----
> >> Greg
> >
> > Is this some sort of configuration utility for Xorg? A little background
> would
> > be nice.
> >
> Autocutsel is not part of the X suite. It changes the way the X
> clipboards work.
> http://www.nongnu.org/autocutsel
> "X servers use two schemes to copy text between applications. The first
> one (old and deprecated) is the cutbuffer. It is a simple buffer in
> which any application can store text. The other scheme is the selection
> and works differently. There may be many selections in a single server.
> An application does not copy data in a selection, it "owns" it. When
> another application wants to retreive the content of a selection, it
> asks the owner.
> Recent desktop applications (GNOME, KDE, ...) use two selections: the
> PRIMARY and the CLIPBOARD. The PRIMARY selection is used when you select
> some text with the mouse. You usually paste it using the middle button.
> The CLIPBOARD selection is used when you copy text by using, for
> example, the Edit/Copy menu. You may paste it using the Edit/Paste menu.
> Windows VNC clients keep the Windows clipboard synchronized with the
> cutbuffer, but not with the selections. And since recent applications
> don't use the cutbuffer, the server's CLIPBOARD is never synchronized
> with Windows' one.
> Autocutsel tracks changes in the server's cutbuffer and CLIPBOARD
> selection. When the CLIPBOARD is changed, it updates the cutbuffer. When
> the cutbuffer is changed, it owns the CLIPBOARD selection. The cutbuffer
> and CLIPBOARD selection are always synchronized. Since the VNC client
> synchronizes the Windows' clipboard and the server's cutbuffer, all
> three "clipboards" are always kept synchronized. When you copy some text
> in Windows, the cutbuffer and the CLIPBOARD selection are updated. When
> you copy text on the server using either the cutbuffer or the CLIPBOARD
> selection, the Windows's clipboard is always updated.
> You can also use autocutsel to track the PRIMARY selection to copy text
> when it's selected. To do this, simply run autocutsel with the arguments
> "-s PRIMARY"
> Some softwares (like Open Office Writer) have trouble when the PRIMARY
> selection is requested before the mouse button is released. As a
> workaround, you can run autocutsel with the "-buttonup" option and it
> will only get the selection when the first mouse button is not pressed."
does this fix the problem that i can not directly copy-paste from java
applications into gnome-terminal? although it seems to be working in places
where i can ctrl+v.
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