[arch-general] Trinity Binaries - Unofficial Repo - Thank You Kainting Chen!
David C. Rankin
drankinatty at suddenlinkmail.com
Sat Feb 19 22:26:16 EST 2011
Kaiting Chen has provided server space for Trinity binaries. Currently I have
the i686 files uploaded and will upload x86_64 shortly (after my kids are done
with toontown....)
The url for the i686 repo is:
(Trinity packages are 2/19/2011 builds)
The x86_64 repo will be the same url with x86_64.
Trinity needs a clean environment currently (no kdemod3). If you have had a
prior kdemod3 install, then delete:
and move ~/.kde somewhere else.
If you have kde4 installed, then expect akonadi/nepomuk and all the kde4
autostart files in /usr/share/autostart to run (Trinity devs are working on a
way to ignore all the kde4 autostart files)
To install trinity, just add the repo to /etc/pacman.conf:
Server = http://www.kiwilight.com/~drankinatty/trinity/i686/
Then just do 'pacman -Sy trinity-kdewebdev' and it will pull in the complete
Trinity desktop (kdewebdev requires all trinity dependencies)
I recommend installing it in either a clean Arch install, or just create a new
Arch virtualbox VM and install it there. It is a darn good looking desktop.
x86_64 packages by the morning :)
See: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Trinity for current details :)
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
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