[arch-general] how to perform selected gnome installation with pacman?

Denis A. Altoé Falqueto denisfalqueto at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 05:35:56 EST 2011

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 4:23 AM, Juan R. de Silva
<juan.r.d.silva at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Best option RIGHT NOW is to pacman -Sg gnome and then manually pacman -
>> -Suy pkgfoo pkgbar pkgyetanother of the ones you want from the list.
> Boy, what's an opportunity to exercise my typing. I'm working in tty
> now.  :-(

According to my understanding of pacman's manpage, the option --ignore
should be enough to filter out what you don't want. For example

# pacman -S gnome --ignore abc,def,hgi,.....

I believe I've used it like that for a similar situation.

A: Because it obfuscates the reading.
Q: Why is top posting so bad?

Denis A. Altoe Falqueto
Linux user #524555

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