[arch-general] Vim with X

Ray Rashif schiv at archlinux.org
Tue Nov 15 10:57:38 EST 2011

On 15 November 2011 22:00, Manolo Martínez <manolo at austrohungaro.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> As it is now, the standalone vim cannot copy to and from the X clipboard. For a
> vim that does this, one needs to install gvim, which pulls a number of
> dependencies that you don't really need if you don't use the GUI.
> I guess the rationale for this is that people using vim in console have no use
> for X support, and the rest will be happy to use gvim. But I think many people
> -- at any rate, I'm one of them -- use vim in a terminal emulator in X. We
> don't want gvim, but we find copying and pasting to and from the clipboard
> useful.
> Any chance that the policy on compile flags to use for vim could be revised?
> Thanks
> Manolo
> --

The policy had already been revised when the split was made to have
vim and gvim. Vim had to become lightweight as many people were
complaining about its bulk.


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