[arch-general] Error when upgrading texlive-bin-2011.1-3-i686

Axilleas P markeleas at gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 05:46:35 EDT 2011

On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Lorenzo Bandieri
<lorenzo.bandieri at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi archers!
> On 2011-09-15 TexLive was upgraded (see [1]). Initially I had no problems,
> but in the following days there had been two subsequent upgrades of
> texlive-bin, the last of wich yesterday (or today, last time I upgraded was
> two days ago), that caused errors.
> In both cases, the error was the same:
> (5/5) upgrading
> texlive-bin
> [##################################################] 100%
>>>> texlive: updating the filename database...
> mktexlsr: Updating /etc/texmf/ls-R...
> mktexlsr: Updating /usr/share/texmf/ls-R...
> mktexlsr: Updating /usr/share/texmf-dist/ls-R...
> mktexlsr: Updating /var/lib/texmf/ls-R...
> mktexlsr: Done.
> recreating all formats...Error: `eptex -ini  -jobname=eptex -progname=eptex
> *eptex.ini' failed
> ###############################################
> fmtutil: Error! Not all formats have been built successfully.
> Visit the log files in directory
>  /var/lib/texmf/web2c
> for details.
> ##################################################
> This is a summary of all `failed' messages:
> `eptex -ini  -jobname=eptex -progname=eptex *eptex.ini' failed
>  done.
>  (logs are under /var/lib/texmf/web2c/<engine>/<formatname>.log)
> Since errors were somewhat expected in non-fresh install [2], the first
> time I solved reinstalling everything. However, on the last texlive-bin
> upgrade (texlive-bin-2011.1-3-i686) the error showed up again, as I stated.
> To me it's odd that I have to reinstall all texlive-most and texlive-lang
> on every update, but on the bug report there is no workaround provided. I
> googled but I didn't find anything, and searching on the forum returned no
> hits.
> So, I wonder if anyone had the same problem and if there is a solution
> (apart from reinstalling texlive-most and texlive-lang...).
> Thank you!
> Regards,
> Lorenzo
> [1] http://www.archlinux.org/news/texlive-2011-update/
> [2] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/25250

Yeap, it's not only you, I got the same error.

(\_ /) copy the bunny to your profile
(0.o ) to help him achieve world domination.
(> <) come join the dark side.
/_|_\ (we have cookies.)

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