[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] cryptsetup 1.4.0-1

Bjørn Øivind Bjørnsen bo.bjornsen at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 08:05:15 EDT 2011

On 31/10/11 12:54, Geert Hendrickx wrote:
> Appears to work fine, however I noticed a change in cryptsetup status output:
>   /dev/mapper/cryptswap is active.
>     type:    PLAIN
>     cipher:  aes-cbc-essiv:sha256
> -  keysize: 256 bits
> +  keysize: 0 bits
>     device:  /dev/xvda1
>     offset:  0 sectors
>     size:    2097152 sectors
> (both on the existing crypted partition and after re-configuring it using
> the newer cryptsetup)
> Is this to be worried about?
> 	Geert

For what it's worth, this still seems to work here using LUKS.

[bo at archawesome backups (master) Mon 10:39 ]$ sudo cryptsetup status 
/dev/mapper/encrypted-backup is active and is in use.
   type:    LUKS1
   cipher:  aes-xts-plain
   keysize: 512 bits
   device:  /dev/sdc
   offset:  4096 sectors
   size:    976769072 sectors
   mode:    read/write
[bo at archawesome backups (master) Mon 13:01 ]$ pacman -Qi cryptsetup
Name           : cryptsetup
Version        : 1.4.0-1

Bjørn Øivind Bjørnsen

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