[arch-general] Lennart Poettering on udev-systemd

Paul Gideon Dann pdgiddie at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 08:45:17 EDT 2012

On Monday 13 Aug 2012 12:34:26 Joakim Hernberg wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Aug 2012 15:50:16 +0530
> Alternatively we will all be running systemd one day whether we
> want to or not :(  I suspect that this has been the game plan all the
> time though.  OK, flames away I guess :)

Wow, this sounds so much like a conspiracy theory.  The fact is that the 
people who write the code inevitably dictate which software is maintained, 
based on their interests and convictions, and they're pretty much unanimous 
that systemd is a better solution to the problem of booting and maintaining 
daemons than the solution we currently have.

So yeah, I guess that's been the game plan all along: make booting and daemon 
control more consistent, faster, and easier for most users to maintain.


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