[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Migration to systemd

Jelle van der Waa jelle at vdwaa.nl
Tue Aug 14 11:58:43 EDT 2012

On 08/14/12 17:55, Calvin Morrison wrote:
> On 14 August 2012 10:57, Stéphane Gaudreault <stephane at archlinux.org> wrote:
>> Systemd has a overall better design than SysV, lots of useful administrative
>> features and provide quicker boot up. Considering that it has been around in
>> our repositories for some time and that it could be considered stable enough
>> for production use, I would suggest to replace iniscript by systemd once the
>> 'Missing systemd units' is over. Thus we will avoid duplicating our efforts
>> on two init systems.
>> Any objections to start the migration process ?
>> Cheers,
>> Stéphane
> I'd love to see the overall advantages and disadvantages of each of
> those fleshed out on a page where I can read them - I know I can't
> order anyone to do it, and my comment doesn't effect the outcome, but
> I would really like to see a good explanation of the advantages in an
> unbiased (aka not by LP) explanation  of why it is better for arch. Is
> systemd suckless? is it easy to maintain? is it going to around for
> several years? have we considered Upstart? what about OpenRC?
> before Arch jump ship, I would love to see some good details. I have
> been trying to keep up Tom's posts on the general, so maybe I should
> revisit them.
> Calvin
Tom has listed the advantages a couple of times in arch-general.

Jelle van der Waa

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