[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Migration to systemd

Rémy Oudompheng remyoudompheng at gmail.com
Sat Aug 18 03:48:13 EDT 2012

On 2012/8/16 Kevin Chadwick <ma1l1ists at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>  Lennart said systemd will only ever run on Linux and is only designed
>  for a full fledged Fedora but is useful on embedded too. However I
>  don't think he realised what level the Linux embedded world could
>  expand to.

As far as I know, Archlinux does not target non-x86 embedded devices.
Some derived projects like ArchlinuxARM may do so, but their decisions
are totally independent from the desktop Archlinux team.


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