[arch-general] SystemD poll

C Anthony Risinger anthony at xtfx.me
Sun Aug 19 12:50:51 EDT 2012

On Aug 19, 2012 10:35 AM, "Alessio 'Blaster' Biancalana" <
dottorblaster at archlinux.us> wrote:
> 2012/8/19 Anthony ''Ishpeck'' Tedjamulia <archlinux at ishpeck.net>
> >
> > No, maintaining both boot methods, even if upstream weren't
> > abandoning init scripts (which they are going to) would be
> > a terrible waste of time.
> I agree at all.

This reads funny :-)

> I'm trying systemd in these days, I like how the system is managed and my
> distro is "a bit" more standard.

... and upstream has stated that while its not worthwhile to actually share
code, they are supportive (and encouraging) common
interfaces/formats/protocols for startup tasks (such as DBUS interfaces and
whatnot for setting hostname, etc) so implementations on other platforms --
eg. the BSDs -- could support applications designed for systemd.

IMO its very refreshing to finally see these deficiencies being tackled.


C Anthony

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