[arch-general] Upgraded kmod, but --ignored linux & glibc, modules still in /lib - can I reboot safely?

Heiko Baums lists at baums-on-web.de
Sun Jul 15 07:07:04 EDT 2012

Am Sun, 15 Jul 2012 00:35:58 -0500
schrieb "David C. Rankin" <drankinatty at suddenlinkmail.com>:

> Tom, All,
>   I see the glibc /lib move is out of testing. I updated with --ignore
> linux,glibc and received an install warning from kmod stating:
> ==> Kernel modules are now only read from /usr/lib/modules...
>   My modules are still shown in /lib. Does this mean I cannot reboot
> safely and expect it to work? Since I wanted to delay install of the
> new kernel and glibc, should I also have excluded kmod?

If you ignore (don't update) linux then the modules are, of course,
still in /lib.

Maybe you should update your system following the News on the homepage.


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