[arch-general] DeveloperWiki:usrlib - Note -> rebuild any needed packages *before* attempting update

Daniel Wallace daniel.wallace at gatech.edu
Sun Jul 15 17:51:18 EDT 2012

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 04:20:36PM -0500, David C. Rankin wrote:
> All,
>   After working through the glibc update on several boxes, there should be a
> _note_ added to the wiki. You should check the ownership of files in /lib
> _before_ attempting any part of the latest update with:
> $ find /lib -exec pacman -Qo -- {} +
>   You will need to rebuild _all_ custom packages _before_ issuing:
> # pacman -Syu --ignore glibc
>   Or you will be left _unable_ to rebuild the packages until you have finished
> the update due to the state of your system after pacman -Syu --ignore glibc.
>   I know most of you know this, but for anyone who simply follows the wiki and
> gets to "Issue 2: The final "pacman -Su" still has conflicts in /lib" -- it will
> be too late at that point. At this point, just complete the update by whatever
> means necessary to get the remaining non-glibc owned files out of /lib, complete
> the update, then rebuild what you need.
>   I didn't add the note to the wiki. I can, but don't want to do so until
> getting any feedback here.
> -- 
> David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

Is that not what it says? 

It already says "These packages need rebuilding so as not to include
the /lib directory. Then the final "pacman -Su" will successfully
install glibc." I don't see any reason that after reading that it
wouldn't be clear

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