[arch-general] Upcoming changes to virtualbox

Oon-Ee Ng ngoonee.talk at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 21:29:03 EDT 2012

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Sébastien Luttringer <seblu at seblu.net> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 2:17 AM, Karol Babioch <karol at babioch.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Am 23.07.2012 02:01, schrieb Sébastien Luttringer:
>>> You will be able to build your virtualbox modules by running
>>>     $ dkms install vboxhost/4.1.18
>>>   or you can let dkms rc script compile/install/load your modules with
>>>     $ rc.d start dkms
> To be clear
> You can still use virtualbox-modules to have your module pre-compiled
> for the arch kernel.
> If you have a custom kernel or want compile yourself your modules your
> can use virtualbox-sources (as before).

My current practice is to use my own simple wrapper script to call
vboxbuild $KERNEL to rebuild for all my currently installed kernels.
Will this be possible with dkms install? Come to think of this, would
dkms then be a hard dep for virtualbox?

If no to Q1, then could I just save a copy of the currently working
vboxbuild and continue to use that? I used to have my own script (its
probably backed up somewhere) for doing this, but vboxbuild was just
easier to use.

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