[arch-general] minbif and systemd scheme

Jelle van der Waa jelle at vdwaa.nl
Sun Jul 29 05:24:36 EDT 2012

On 29/07/12 06:32, Caio Prado wrote:
> Hey guys…
> I haven’t seen so far any .service file to allow minbif to be executed
> with systemd scheme rather than initscripts. This is a solution I tried
> myself and seems to work so I decided to share. It consists of the
> .service file for systemd and a .conf file for tmpfiles.d so that
> /run/minbif is always available with the correct ownership.
> minbif.service: http://pastebin.com/htxMGJk3
> minbif.conf: http://pastebin.com/BuYxXRHr
> Well, it’s very simple but I think it would be nice if minbif package
> provided it by itself.
> Hope it will be useful for someone!
> Bye =)
You can always fill feature request on the bugtracker

Jelle van der Waa

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