[arch-general] virtualbox-bin aur - vboxdrv -> dkms -> confusion...

David C. Rankin drankinatty at suddenlinkmail.com
Tue Jun 5 16:16:59 EDT 2012


   I just updated virtualbox-bin from aur to 4.1.16 and I'm confused by the 
drop of the /etc/rc.d/vboxdrv init script. After building and installing the 
package I received the warning:

==> **Warning**
==> This version drop vboxdrv initscript.
==> Please change to dkms instead of vboxdrv in DAEMONS in rc.conf.

   So I read the https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Virtualbox that 
explained the switch to dkms allows auto-generation of the virtualbox module 
on kernel update, but didn't really help me understand what I need to do to 
manually rebuild the vboxdrv module. The wiki references a 'vboxbuild' that 
does not exist in the virtualbox-bin package from aur. So how do I rebuild the 
module manually in this case?

   Also, since I don't really want the module autogenerated, do I even need 
dkms in the DAEMONS line of rc.conf?

   What I want to do is just leave MODULES=(vboxdrv), but I need to know how 
to build the module? What say the experts?

   I know I'm missing something simple, I just want to make sure I can build 
the module when I need to. Thanks.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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