[arch-general] htaccess password

martin kalcher martin.kalcher at googlemail.com
Thu Mar 29 17:29:12 EDT 2012

Am 29.03.2012 23:16, schrieb pete:
> On Thu, 29 Mar 2012 22:11:31 +0100
> pete<p.nikolic1 at btinternet.com>  wrote:
>> Hi ..
>> I need to generate a htaccess file that has 150 username password
>> pairs  does anyone know of a utility that can do this short of lots of
>> typing ..
>> Thanks   Pete .
> Maybe i should correct that slightly  i need to generate  .htpasswd
> file with 150 user password pairs ..
> Pete .
something like this?


while read usr; do
	echo "$usr:$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ < /dev/urandom | head -c 16)"\
		>> .htpasswd
done < users

In the 'users' file your users are listed (one per line). NOTE: you cant 
be sure that the passwords are unique


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