March 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Mar 1 00:43:47 EST 2012
Ending: Sat Mar 31 23:13:00 EDT 2012
Messages: 511
- [arch-general] Compiling qt-4.8rc1 from [testing] fails
Kay Abendroth
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Guillaume Alaux
- [arch-general] Complete virtualbox crash starting Archlinux guest after kernel + xorg updates
- [arch-general] Erlang R15B
Kevin Arthur
- [arch-general] Erlang R15B
Kevin Arthur
- [arch-general] Can't boot, root device not found
Jayesh Badwaik
- [arch-general] Can't boot, root device not found
Jayesh Badwaik
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Heiko Baums
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Heiko Baums
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Heiko Baums
- [arch-general] apparently bash export is broken for users
Heiko Baums
- [arch-general] apparently bash export is broken for users
Heiko Baums
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
Heiko Baums
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
Heiko Baums
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
Heiko Baums
- [arch-general] A bug reported, no response in two weeks
Heiko Baums
- [arch-general] A bug reported, no response in two weeks
Heiko Baums
- [arch-general] fakeroot package() -> mkdir: cannot create directory : Permission denied
"Jérôme M. Berger"
- [arch-general] Weird Konqueror quirk
"Jérôme M. Berger"
- [arch-general] Xulrunner as makedepend while eclipse is installed
Ionut Biru
- [arch-general] secure package signing related websites
Ionut Biru
- [arch-general] sane - 'sane-config --libs' returns NON library information causing some CMake builds to fail - bug or feature?
Ionut Biru
- [arch-general] sane - 'sane-config --libs' returns NON library information causing some CMake builds to fail - bug or feature?
Ionut Biru
- [arch-general] vbox - X won't start -> no screens -> "vboxvideo" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
Ionut Biru
- [arch-general] A Couple of Questions about files under etc which owned by no package
Ionut Biru
- [arch-general] mach64 "undefined symbol: xf86MapDomainMemory" fix
Ionut Biru
- [arch-general] Why has the version numbering of gnome-desktop package changed?
Ionut Biru
- [arch-general] Why has the version numbering of gnome-desktop package changed?
Ionut Biru
- [arch-general] [signoff] linux-3.2.12-1
Ionut Biru
- [arch-general] Compiling qt-4.8rc1 from [testing] fails
Bjørn Øivind Bjørnsen
- [arch-general] Why has the version numbering of gnome-desktop package changed?
Bjørn Øivind Bjørnsen
- [arch-general] Xulrunner as makedepend while eclipse is installed
Karol Blazewicz
- [arch-general] command line utility questions
Karol Blazewicz
- [arch-general] Xulrunner as makedepend while eclipse is installed
Karol Blazewicz
- [arch-general] 'Please enter summary' issue in our bugtracker
Karol Blazewicz
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
Karol Blazewicz
- [arch-general] A bug reported, no response in two weeks
Karol Blazewicz
- [arch-general] Lock at shutdown with some kernels
Benjamin Boudreau
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] Can't boot, root device not found
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] Can't boot, root device not found
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] How to download .sigs into CacheDir with pacman
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] kernel 3.3 & khubd problem/freezing failed
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] Funny issue with bash-completion and __git_ps1
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] A bug reported, no response in two weeks
Eric Bélanger
- [arch-general] libgl conflict with ati-dri, intel-dri, mach64-dri, ...
Karol Błażewicz
- [arch-general] A bug reported, no response in two weeks
Karol Błażewicz
- [arch-general] A bug reported, no response in two weeks
Karol Błażewicz
- [arch-general] A bug reported, no response in two weeks
Karol Błażewicz
- [arch-general] Package signing: database signatures?
Kevin Chadwick
- [arch-general] Can't boot, root device not found
Kevin Chadwick
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Loui Chang
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Kaiting Chen
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Kaiting Chen
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Kaiting Chen
- [arch-general] Note on Trinity R14 (3.5.14)
Kaiting Chen
- [arch-general] htaccess password
Kaiting Chen
- [arch-general] htaccess password
Szu-Han Chen
- [arch-general] Howto look outside chroot for local git tree?
Damien Churchill
- [arch-general] Grub2
Kirill Churin
- [arch-general] Grub2
Kirill Churin
- [arch-general] Grub2
Kirill Churin
- [arch-general] mkisofs question
Eric Cook
- [arch-general] arch with sata drives
Jude DaShiell
- [arch-general] command line utility questions
Jude DaShiell
- [arch-general] apparently bash export is broken for users
Jude DaShiell
- [arch-general] export works, emacspeak doesn't
Jude DaShiell
- [arch-general] export runs and emacspeak doesn't
Jude DaShiell
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Jude DaShiell
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Jude DaShiell
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Jude DaShiell
- [arch-general] aria2c left a mess on system
Jude DaShiell
- [arch-general] a couple cdrecord questions
Jude DaShiell
- [arch-general] mkisofs question
Jude DaShiell
- [arch-general] kopete and google talk
Shridhar Daithankar
- [arch-general] git software: howto remove files from history and its objects
Paul Gideon Dann
- [arch-general] Grub2
Paul Gideon Dann
- [arch-general] Grub2
Paul Gideon Dann
- [arch-general] Grub2
Paul Gideon Dann
- [arch-general] Grub2
Paul Gideon Dann
- [arch-general] htaccess password
Paul Gideon Dann
- [arch-general] Lock at shutdown with some kernels
Paul Gideon Dann
- [arch-general] kernel 3.3 & khubd problem/freezing failed
Mr Destruction
- [arch-general] ghc 7.4.1 moved to extra
Thomas Dziedzic
- [arch-general] Xulrunner as makedepend while eclipse is installed
D. R. Evans
- [arch-general] Can't boot, root device not found
- [arch-general] Weird Konqueror quirk
Denis A. Altoé Falqueto
- [arch-general] Weird Konqueror quirk
Denis A. Altoé Falqueto
- [arch-general] Weird Konqueror quirk
Denis A. Altoé Falqueto
- [arch-general] How to download .sigs into CacheDir with pacman
Denis A. Altoé Falqueto
- [arch-general] Xulrunner as makedepend while eclipse is installed
Alexandre Ferrando
- [arch-general] Gringotts, alternatives?
Alexandre Ferrando
- [arch-general] aria2c left a mess on system
Alexandre Ferrando
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Lukas Fleischer
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Lukas Fleischer
- [arch-general] Erlang R15B
Lukas Fleischer
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Lukas Fleischer
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Lukas Fleischer
- [arch-general] spamd failure
Bjoern Franke
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Thanasis Georgiou
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Thanasis Georgiou
- [arch-general] git software: howto remove files from history and its objects
Cédric Girard
- [arch-general] git software: howto remove files from history and its objects
F. Gr.
- [arch-general] ../libtool: line 2083: ark_part.cpp: command not found?
Jan de Groot
- [arch-general] Shisen-Sho very slow
Jakob Gruber
- [arch-general] Shisen-Sho very slow
Jakob Gruber
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] kopete and google talk
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] Support additional binary formats at boot
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] A Couple of Questions about files under etc which owned by no package
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] A Couple of Questions about files under etc which owned by no package
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] A Couple of Questions about files under etc which owned by no package
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] Start a daemon, show a syntax error
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] kernel 3.3 & khubd problem/freezing failed
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] fsck on each boot?
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] Nvidia GTX 550Ti
Sven-Hendrik Haase
- [arch-general] Gringotts, alternatives?
Taylor Hedberg
- [arch-general] DST in New York
Taylor Hedberg
- [arch-general] DST in New York
Taylor Hedberg
- [arch-general] DST in New York
Taylor Hedberg
- [arch-general] plugins for zathura
Taylor Hedberg
- [arch-general] htaccess password
Taylor Hedberg
- [arch-general] apparently bash export is broken for users
Dennis Herbrich
- [arch-general] How to download .sigs into CacheDir with pacman
Dennis 'Gyroplast' Herbrich
- [arch-general] How to download .sigs into CacheDir with pacman
Dennis 'Gyroplast' Herbrich
- [arch-general] secure package signing related websites (was: Re: Keyring package for real)
Christian Hesse
- [arch-general] secure package signing related websites
Christian Hesse
- [arch-general] secure package signing related websites
Christian Hesse
- [arch-general] Package signing: database signatures?
Christian Hesse
- [arch-general] Package signing: database signatures?
Christian Hesse
- [arch-general] command line utility questions
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] secure package signing related websites
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] Preventing cups from trying to access avahi-server
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] Mplayer and cdparanoia
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] A Couple of Questions about files under etc which owned by no package
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] An empty /etc/crontab file maybe needed bo be add in to package filesystem.
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] An empty /etc/crontab file maybe needed bo be add in to package filesystem.
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] libgl conflict with ati-dri, intel-dri, mach64-dri, ...
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] Firefox search add-ons for Arch Linux
Usagi Ito
- [arch-general] fakeroot package() -> mkdir: cannot create directory : Permission denied
Jesse Jaara
- [arch-general] Release firefox search add-ons for Arch Linux users
Jesse Jaara
- [arch-general] arch as virtualbox guest - gpm -> mouse cursor stuck in middle of console?
Jesse Jaara
- [arch-general] vbox - X won't start -> no screens -> "vboxvideo" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
Jesse Jaara
- [arch-general] command line utility questions
Jesse Juhani Jaara
- [arch-general] vbox - X won't start -> no screens -> "vboxvideo" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
Jesse Juhani Jaara
- [arch-general] vbox - X won't start -> no screens -> "vboxvideo" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
Jesse Juhani Jaara
- [arch-general] Some synaptics multitouch functionality lost on upgrade
Jesse Juhani Jaara
- [arch-general] Some synaptics multitouch functionality lost on upgrade
Jesse Juhani Jaara
- [arch-general] a bit more script
Jesse Juhani Jaara
- [arch-general] a bit more script
Jesse Juhani Jaara
- [arch-general] a bit more script
Jesse Juhani Jaara
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
Jesse Juhani Jaara
- [arch-general] sane - 'sane-config --libs' returns NON library information causing some CMake builds to fail - bug or feature?
Sander Jansen
- [arch-general] qt applications over ssh tunnel: very slow redrawing
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] vbox - X won't start -> no screens -> "vboxvideo" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] Can't boot, root device not found
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] A bug reported, no response in two weeks
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] A bug reported, no response in two weeks
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] Xulrunner as makedepend while eclipse is installed
Eric Ryan Jones
- [arch-general] Anyone willing to share experiences running Arch on a current-gen MacBook Pro?
Eric Ryan Jones
- [arch-general] Can't boot, root device not found
Marcin K.
- [arch-general] Grub2
Ronny Karrestad
- [arch-general] plugins for zathura
- [arch-general] X doesn't start for 3.0-rt, X 1.12, nv 2.1.18-5
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] X doesn't start for 3.0-rt, X 1.12, nv 2.1.18-5
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] spamd failure
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] kernel 3.3 & khubd problem/freezing failed
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] Complete virtualbox crash starting Archlinux guest after kernel + xorg updates
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] Funny issue with bash-completion and __git_ps1
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] Funny issue with bash-completion and __git_ps1
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] Complete virtualbox crash starting Archlinux guest after kernel + xorg updates
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] Some synaptics multitouch functionality lost on upgrade
Scott Lawrence
- [arch-general] Some synaptics multitouch functionality lost on upgrade
Scott Lawrence
- [arch-general] Some synaptics multitouch functionality lost on upgrade
Scott Lawrence
- [arch-general] Anyone willing to share experiences running Arch on a current-gen MacBook Pro?
Scott Lawrence
- [arch-general] Troubleshooting suspend
Scott Lawrence
- [arch-general] Some synaptics multitouch functionality lost on upgrade
Scott Lawrence
- [arch-general] `multicat` package added to AUR
Sébastien Leblanc
- [arch-general] How can I change thunderbird profile dir form .thunderbird to .mozilla/thunderbird?
Conner Lee
- [arch-general] virtualbox-modules-lts?
Conner Lee
- [arch-general] Why has the version numbering of gnome-desktop package changed?
Guillermo Leira
- [arch-general] Join my network on LinkedIn
Erwin José López Pulgarín via LinkedIn
- [arch-general] pacman: relocation error
Sebastian Lipp
- [arch-general] pacman: relocation error
Sebastian Lipp
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Vladimir Lomov
- [arch-general] How can I change thunderbird profile dir form .thunderbird to .mozilla/thunderbird?
甘露(Gan Lu)
- [arch-general] How can I change thunderbird profile dir form .thunderbird to .mozilla/thunderbird?
甘露(Gan Lu)
- [arch-general] [translation] pacman 4.0.3 string freeze
甘露(Gan Lu)
- [arch-general] Anyone willing to share experiences running Arch on a current-gen MacBook Pro?
Janna M.
- [arch-general] Howto look outside chroot for local git tree?
Mantas M.
- [arch-general] command line utility questions
Mantas M.
- [arch-general] Nvidia GTX 550Ti
Jochen Maes
- [arch-general] How can I change thunderbird profile dir form .thunderbird to .mozilla/thunderbird?
Genes MailLists
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Genes MailLists
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Genes MailLists
- [arch-general] kernel 3.3 & khubd problem/freezing failed
Genes MailLists
- [arch-general] kernel 3.3 & khubd problem/freezing failed
Genes MailLists
- [arch-general] kernel 3.3 & khubd problem/freezing failed
Genes MailLists
- [arch-general] kernel 3.3 & khubd problem/freezing failed
Genes MailLists
- [arch-general] kernel 3.3 & khubd problem/freezing failed
Genes MailLists
- [arch-general] kernel 3.3 & khubd problem/freezing failed
Genes MailLists
- [arch-general] kernel 3.3 & khubd problem/freezing failed
Genes MailLists
- [arch-general] htaccess password
Genes MailLists
- [arch-general] qt applications over ssh tunnel: very slow redrawing
Sergey Manucharian
- [arch-general] qt applications over ssh tunnel: very slow redrawing
Sergey Manucharian
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] Weird Konqueror quirk
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] Weird Konqueror quirk
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] virtualbox-modules-lts?
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] vbox - X won't start -> no screens -> "vboxvideo" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] vbox - X won't start -> no screens -> "vboxvideo" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] X doesn't start for 3.0-rt, X 1.12, nv 2.1.18-5
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] X doesn't start for 3.0-rt, X 1.12, nv 2.1.18-5
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] X doesn't start for 3.0-rt, X 1.12, nv 2.1.18-5
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] Anyone willing to share experiences running Arch on a current-gen MacBook Pro?
- [arch-general] Why has the version numbering of gnome-desktop package changed?
Hector Martinez-Seara
- [arch-general] Why has the version numbering of gnome-desktop package changed?
Hector Martinez-Seara
- [arch-general] [translation] pacman 4.0.3 string freeze
Hector Martinez-Seara
- [arch-general] Lock at shutdown with some kernels
Hector Martinez-Seara
- [arch-general] Lock at shutdown with some kernels
Hector Martinez-Seara
- [arch-general] Gringotts, alternatives?
Manolo Martínez
- [arch-general] DST in New York
Manolo Martínez
- [arch-general] DST in New York
Manolo Martínez
- [arch-general] DST in New York
Manolo Martínez
- [arch-general] DST in New York
Manolo Martínez
- [arch-general] plugins for zathura
Manolo Martínez
- [arch-general] grub2 efi image files
Carsten Mattner
- [arch-general] grub2 efi image files
Carsten Mattner
- [arch-general] grub2 efi image files
Carsten Mattner
- [arch-general] Gringotts, alternatives?
Maciej Mazur
- [arch-general] lxdm-binary takes 100% cpu
Maciej Mazur
- [arch-general] [translation] pacman 4.0.3 string freeze
Dan McGee
- [arch-general] fakeroot package() -> mkdir: cannot create directory : Permission denied
Allan McRae
- [arch-general] Package signing: database signatures?
Allan McRae
- [arch-general] Package signing: database signatures?
Allan McRae
- [arch-general] package information error
Allan McRae
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
Allan McRae
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
Allan McRae
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
Allan McRae
- [arch-general] How to download .sigs into CacheDir with pacman
Allan McRae
- [arch-general] does makechrootpkg -I handle provides() replaces() ?
Allan McRae
- [arch-general] Grub2
Saurav Modak
- [arch-general] renaming files
Matthew Monaco
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [RFC] merge /bin, /sbin, /lib into /usr/bin and /usr/lib
Matthew Monaco
- [arch-general] Support additional binary formats at boot
Matthew Monaco
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
Matthew Monaco
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
Matthew Monaco
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Myra Nelson
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Myra Nelson
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Myra Nelson
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Myra Nelson
- [arch-general] Shisen-Sho very slow
Myra Nelson
- [arch-general] Xulrunner as makedepend while eclipse is installed
Yclept Nemo
- [arch-general] X doesn't start for 3.0-rt, X 1.12, nv 2.1.18-5
Oon-Ee Ng
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
Oon-Ee Ng
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Rémy Oudompheng
- [arch-general] Archlinux Package texlive-latexextra
Rémy Oudompheng
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
John K Pate
- [arch-general] a bit more script
John K Pate
- [arch-general] a bit more script
John K Pate
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Simon Perry
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Simon Perry
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Simon Perry
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Simon Perry
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Simon Perry
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Simon Perry
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
Simon Perry
- [arch-general] How can I change thunderbird profile dir form .thunderbird to .mozilla/thunderbird?
Axilleas Pi
- [arch-general] plugins for zathura
Bartłomiej Piotrowski
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Bartłomiej Piotrowski
- [arch-general] An empty /etc/crontab file maybe needed bo be add in to package filesystem.
Auguste Pop
- [arch-general] An empty /etc/crontab file maybe needed bo be add in to package filesystem.
Auguste Pop
- [arch-general] An empty /etc/crontab file maybe needed bo be add in to package filesystem.
Auguste Pop
- [arch-general] package information error
Auguste Pop
- [arch-general] package information error
Auguste Pop
- [arch-general] [signoff] linux-3.2.12-1
Tobias Powalowski
- [arch-general] [signoff] linux-3.2.12-1
Tobias Powalowski
- [arch-general] [signoff] linux-3.2.13-1
Tobias Powalowski
- [arch-general] [signoff] linux-3.2.13-1
Tobias Powalowski
- [arch-general] renaming files
Corrado Primier
- [arch-general] renaming files
Florian Pritz
- [arch-general] renaming files
Florian Pritz
- [arch-general] secure package signing related websites
Florian Pritz
- [arch-general] Package signing: database signatures?
Florian Pritz
- [arch-general] spamd failure
Florian Pritz
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
Florian Pritz
- [arch-general] grub2 efi image files
Keshav P R
- [arch-general] grub2 efi image files
Keshav P R
- [arch-general] Grub2
Keshav P R
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Xorg 1.12 moves soon to testing for stabilization phase
Andreas Radke
- [arch-general] kopete and google talk
Rashif Ray Rahman
- [arch-general] kopete and google talk
Rashif Ray Rahman
- [arch-general] A bug reported, no response in two weeks
Rashif Ray Rahman
- [arch-general] Howto look outside chroot for local git tree?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] permission problem /var/lib/ntp after update (should it be ntp:ntp ?)
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] permission problem /var/lib/ntp after update (should it be ntp:ntp ?)
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] archroot - proper way to Start Over? (rm -r $CHROOT/$USER)?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] archroot - proper way to Start Over? (rm -r $CHROOT/$USER)?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] fakeroot package() -> mkdir: cannot create directory : Permission denied
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] fakeroot package() -> mkdir: cannot create directory : Permission denied
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] fakeroot package() -> mkdir: cannot create directory : Permission denied
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] sane - 'sane-config --libs' returns NON library information causing some CMake builds to fail - bug or feature?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] sane - 'sane-config --libs' returns NON library information causing some CMake builds to fail - bug or feature?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] sane - 'sane-config --libs' returns NON library information causing some CMake builds to fail - bug or feature?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] arch as virtualbox guest - gpm -> mouse cursor stuck in middle of console?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] vbox - X won't start -> no screens -> "vboxvideo" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] vbox - X won't start -> no screens -> "vboxvideo" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] ../libtool: line 2083: ark_part.cpp: command not found?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] ../libtool: line 2083: ark_part.cpp: command not found?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] ../libtool: line 2083: ark_part.cpp: command not found?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] does makechrootpkg -I handle provides() replaces() ?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] does makechrootpkg -I handle provides() replaces() ?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] makechrootpkg -d goes in repo.db why not local.db consistent with DevWiki?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] makechrootpkg -d goes in repo.db why not local.db consistent with DevWiki?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] arch chroot - makepkg.conf - Howto unset $PKGDEST, $SRCDEST, etc...
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] [SOLVED - id 10 t error] Re: arch chroot - makepkg.conf - Howto unset $PKGDEST, $SRCDEST, etc...
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Note on Trinity R14 (3.5.14)
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Note on Trinity R14 (3.5.14)
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] libgl conflict with ati-dri, intel-dri, mach64-dri, ...
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] libgl conflict with ati-dri, intel-dri, mach64-dri, ...
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Complete virtualbox crash starting Archlinux guest after kernel + xorg updates
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Complete virtualbox crash starting Archlinux guest after kernel + xorg updates
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Funny issue with bash-completion and __git_ps1
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Note on Trinity R14 (3.5.14)
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Howto look outside chroot for local git tree?
C Anthony Risinger
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
C Anthony Risinger
- [arch-general] Gringotts, alternatives?
C Anthony Risinger
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
C Anthony Risinger
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio
C Anthony Risinger
- [arch-general] archroot - proper way to Start Over? (rm -r $CHROOT/$USER)?
C Anthony Risinger
- [arch-general] archroot - proper way to Start Over? (rm -r $CHROOT/$USER)?
C Anthony Risinger
- [arch-general] archroot - proper way to Start Over? (rm -r $CHROOT/$USER)?
C Anthony Risinger
- [arch-general] Weird Konqueror quirk
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Weird Konqueror quirk
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Weird Konqueror quirk
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Weird Konqueror quirk
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Weird Konqueror quirk
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] virtualbox-modules-lts?
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Recent bug in Kalarm?
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] renaming files
Vitor Eiji Justus Sakaguti
- [arch-general] renaming files
Mauro Santos
- [arch-general] renaming files
Mauro Santos
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Giovanni Scafora
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Joerg Schilling
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Joerg Schilling
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Joerg Schilling
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Joerg Schilling
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Joerg Schilling
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Joerg Schilling
- [arch-general] How can I change thunderbird profile dir form .thunderbird to .mozilla/thunderbird?
G. Schlisio
- [arch-general] arch-o-matic
Andre "Osku" Schmidt
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Pierre Schmitz
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Pierre Schmitz
- [arch-general] permission problem /var/lib/ntp after update (should it be ntp:ntp ?)
Sebastian Schwarz
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
- [arch-general] permission problem /var/lib/ntp after update (should it be ntp:ntp ?)
Jarek Sedlacek
- [arch-general] renaming files
Jarek Sedlacek
- [arch-general] renaming files
Jarek Sedlacek
- [arch-general] qt applications over ssh tunnel: very slow redrawing
Jarek Sedlacek
- [arch-general] virtualbox-modules-lts?
Jarek Sedlacek
- [arch-general] plugins for zathura
Jarek Sedlacek
- [arch-general] plugins for zathura
Jarek Sedlacek
- [arch-general] Firefox fonts are not anti-aliased after installing xorg-fonts-100dpi
Ankur Sethi
- [arch-general] Firefox fonts are not anti-aliased after installing xorg-fonts-100dpi
Ankur Sethi
- [arch-general] Anyone willing to share experiences running Arch on a current-gen MacBook Pro?
Ankur Sethi
- [arch-general] Anyone willing to share experiences running Arch on a current-gen MacBook Pro?
Ankur Sethi
- [arch-general] Can't boot, root device not found
Josh Silard
- [arch-general] Can't boot, root device not found
Josh Silard
- [arch-general] Can't boot, root device not found
Josh Silard
- [arch-general] Can't boot, root device not found
Josh Silard
- [arch-general] Grub2
Josh Silard
- [arch-general] qt applications over ssh tunnel: very slow redrawing
Victor Silva
- [arch-general] Firefox search add-ons for Arch Linux
Christian Stadegaart
- [arch-general] partition mount, strange entry in log
Jason Steadman
- [arch-general] partition mount, strange entry in log
Jason Steadman
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Xorg 1.12 moves soon to testing for stabilization phase
Jan Steffens
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Xorg 1.12 moves soon to testing for stabilization phase
Jan Steffens
- [arch-general] Firefox fonts are not anti-aliased after installing xorg-fonts-100dpi
Jan Steffens
- [arch-general] Gringotts, alternatives?
Magnus Therning
- [arch-general] Gringotts, alternatives?
Magnus Therning
- [arch-general] Gringotts, alternatives?
Magnus Therning
- [arch-general] plugins for zathura
Pham Bao Trung
- [arch-general] plugins for zathura
Pham Bao Trung
- [arch-general] fakeroot package() -> mkdir: cannot create directory : Permission denied
baho Utot
- [arch-general] makechrootpkg -d goes in repo.db why not local.db consistent with DevWiki?
baho Utot
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
baho Utot
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
Baho Utot
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
Baho Utot
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
Baho Utot
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
Baho Utot
- [arch-general] Nvidia GTX 550Ti
Baho Utot
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
Javier Vasquez
- [arch-general] fsck on each boot?
Christoph Vigano
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages
Jelle van der Waa
- [arch-general] Mplayer and cdparanoia
Jelle van der Waa
- [arch-general] libgl conflict with ati-dri, intel-dri, mach64-dri, ...
Daniel Wallace
- [arch-general] renaming files
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
- [arch-general] apparently bash export is broken for users
- [arch-general] apparently bash export is broken for users
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
- [arch-general] pacman ignore packages by pattern?
- [arch-general] Start a daemon, show a syntax error
- [arch-general] Lock at shutdown with some kernels
- [arch-general] Lock at shutdown with some kernels
- [arch-general] Lock at shutdown with some kernels
- [arch-general] Now looks like display issue (was: Lock at shutdown with some kernels)
- [arch-general] Gringotts, alternatives?
Martin Zecher
- [arch-general] DST in New York
Martin Zecher
- [arch-general] How to update all the VCS packages at the same time?
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] How to update all the VCS packages at the same time?
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] How can I change thunderbird profile dir form .thunderbird to .mozilla/thunderbird?
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] How can I change thunderbird profile dir form .thunderbird to .mozilla/thunderbird?
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] A little script to deploy dot files
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] git software: howto remove files from history and its objects
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] How can I change thunderbird profile dir form .thunderbird to .mozilla/thunderbird?
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] A little script to deploy dot files
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] About sshfs multi user idmap
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] A Couple of Questions about files under etc which owned by no package
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] A Couple of Questions about files under etc which owned by no package
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] A Couple of Questions about files under etc which owned by no package
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] A Couple of Questions about files under etc which owned by no package
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] About SHFS "Transport endpoint is not connected" error
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] An empty /etc/crontab file maybe needed bo be add in to package filesystem.
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] An empty /etc/crontab file maybe needed bo be add in to package filesystem.
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] An empty /etc/crontab file maybe needed bo be add in to package filesystem.
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] Start a daemon, show a syntax error
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] Start a daemon, show a syntax error
郑文辉(Techlive Zheng)
- [arch-general] renaming files
Pataricza Zsolt
- [arch-general] fakeroot package() -> mkdir: cannot create directory : Permission denied
marshall at
- [arch-general] Anyone willing to share experiences running Arch on a current-gen MacBook Pro?
andrea crotti
- [arch-general] Package signing: database signatures?
Don deJuan
- [arch-general] Grub2
Don deJuan
- [arch-general] Grub2
Don deJuan
- [arch-general] Grub2
Don deJuan
- [arch-general] Grub2
Don deJuan
- [arch-general] Grub2
Don deJuan
- [arch-general] A little script to deploy dot files
arnaud gaboury
- [arch-general] About SHFS "Transport endpoint is not connected" error
arnaud gaboury
- [arch-general] arch-o-matic
headmastersquall at
- [arch-general] renaming files
- [arch-general] partition mount, strange entry in log
- [arch-general] partition mount, strange entry in log
- [arch-general] partition mount, strange entry in log
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
- [arch-general] wodim unuseable
- [arch-general] aria2c left a mess on system
- [arch-general] fsck on each boot?
- [arch-general] Funny issue with bash-completion and __git_ps1
- [arch-general] Funny issue with bash-completion and __git_ps1
- [arch-general] makepkg/PKGBUILD - handle same files provided by 2 non-dependent packages?
martin kalcher
- [arch-general] Funny issue with bash-completion and __git_ps1
martin kalcher
- [arch-general] htaccess password
martin kalcher
- [arch-general] htaccess password
martin kalcher
- [arch-general] renaming files
- [arch-general] renaming files
- [arch-general] renaming files
- [arch-general] renaming files (SOLVED)
- [arch-general] Shisen-Sho very slow
- [arch-general] Shisen-Sho very slow
- [arch-general] problem with pulseaudio when resuming from pm-suspend
- [arch-general] gpg key gen failure
- [arch-general] gpg key gen failure
- [arch-general] spamd failure
- [arch-general] spamd failure
- [arch-general] spamd failure
- [arch-general] spamd failure
- [arch-general] a bit more script
- [arch-general] a bit more script
- [arch-general] a bit more script
- [arch-general] a bit more script
- [arch-general] htaccess password
- [arch-general] htaccess password
- [arch-general] htaccess password
- [arch-general] htaccess password
- [arch-general] Release firefox search add-ons for Arch Linux users
伊藤 兎
- [arch-general] Release firefox search add-ons for Arch Linux users
伊藤 兎
Last message date:
Sat Mar 31 23:13:00 EDT 2012
Archived on: Sat Mar 31 22:12:46 EDT 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).