[arch-general] OpenNTPd not correcting time on boot

Joe Eaves jinux at alluha.net
Thu Aug 8 08:49:26 EDT 2013

On 7 August 2013 15:49, Sébastien Luttringer wrote:

> Try to add iburst.
> I have something like that:
> pool europe.pool.ntp.org iburst
> Cheers,


OpenNTPd seems not to support that option, so it didn't work.

I tried switching to NTP, which does support 'iburst', and now it all works
how I want it to.

NTP fails as well if I don't include the 'iburst' option, so it seems odd
to me that OpenNTPd wouldn't support anything even similar.

Doesn't matter though, all happy now :)




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