[arch-general] LightDM hangs when checking the password

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Fri Aug 16 18:19:33 EDT 2013

Hi :)

I wonder if it's an issue with linux-rt 3.10.6-rt3 or randomly something
else went wrong.

Perhaps caused by 3.10.6-rt3 or not, but a security process or similar
seems to be locked on my machine. After installing and booting into the
3.10.6-rt3 an update hanged when checking the keyring. I had to
remove /var/lib/pacman/db.lck and could update using 3.10.6-2-ARCH, but
when I now try to start a session for 3.10.6-rt3, LightDM hangs when
checking the password, I only was able to start one session for this

After downgrading to 3.8.13-rt14-1-rt there isn't this issue anymore and
even with 3.10.6-rt3 there were no issues when I want to log in booted
in kernel 3.10.6-2-ARCH.

In don't know what to check. What log searching for what information. At
the moment I simply use 3.8.13-rt14-1-rt.


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