[arch-general] Device "eth0" does not exist - how to bring up?

Krzysztof Warzecha kwarzecha7 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 16:19:06 EDT 2013

2013/3/15 David C. Rankin <drankinatty at suddenlinkmail.com>:
> the network and eth0 is present. However, when booting natively to the system no
> eth0 is present. Attempting /etc/rc.d/network restart results in "Device eth0

As Christoph suggests, try 'ip link', it will show you all devices.

>   Appending init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd does bring up systemd and the system
> boots until X starts and the system hangs. It still responds to ctrl+alt+del,

To not start X with systemd try "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" or
"systemd.unit=rescue.target" as kernel parameters.

Krzysztof Warzecha

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