March 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Mar 1 04:28:49 EST 2013
Ending: Sun Mar 31 05:38:15 EDT 2013
Messages: 271
- [arch-general] nouveau or kernel which one ?
- [arch-general] nouveau or kernel which one ?
- [arch-general] Upgrade finish in a "Kernel Panic - not syncing : no init found"
- [arch-general] Question about mariadb replacing mysql
Stefano Avallone
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
David Benfell
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
David Benfell
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
David Benfell
- [arch-general] Gotta be a stupid gnome-terminal problem
David Benfell
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
David Benfell
- [arch-general] Gotta be a stupid gnome-terminal problem
David Benfell
- [arch-general] Gotta be a stupid gnome-terminal problem
David Benfell
- [arch-general] can't publish keys to network? What?
David Benfell
- [arch-general] can't publish keys to network? What?
David Benfell
- [arch-general] Installing by remote control
David Benfell
- [arch-general] Installing by remote control
David Benfell
- [arch-general] Installing by remote control
David Benfell
- [arch-general] upgrading mysql to mariadb
David Benfell
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
Frederic Bezies
- [arch-general] gnome 3.7
Ionut Biru
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] BIND10? No, thanks.
Gaetan Bisson
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] BIND10? No, thanks.
Gaetan Bisson
- [arch-general] error during update of qt4 and qt5
Gaetan Bisson
- [arch-general] SOLVED Re: Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
Gaetan Bisson
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] BIND10? No, thanks.
Gaetan Bisson
- [arch-general] Upgrade finish in a "Kernel Panic - not syncing : no init found"
Dany De Bontridder
- [arch-general] Upgrade finish in a "Kernel Panic - not syncing : no init found"
Dany De Bontridder
- [arch-general] Upgrade finish in a "Kernel Panic - not syncing : no init found"
Dany De Bontridder
- [arch-general] Upgrade finish in a "Kernel Panic - not syncing : no init found"
Dany De Bontridder
- [arch-general] [wpa_actiond 1.4] slow disconnects
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] [wpa_actiond 1.4] slow disconnects
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] downgrades when moving out of [testing]
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] Upgrade finish in a "Kernel Panic - not syncing : no init found"
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] Upgrade finish in a "Kernel Panic - not syncing : no init found"
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] strange behaviour of pacman, what did I do?
Eric Bélanger
- [arch-general] Package Maintenance Classroom (31/3/2013)
Martín Cigorraga
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Mike Cloaked
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Mike Cloaked
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Mike Cloaked
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] BIND10? No, thanks.
Mike Cloaked
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] BIND10? No, thanks.
Mike Cloaked
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] BIND10? No, thanks.
Mike Cloaked
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] BIND10? No, thanks.
Mike Cloaked
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
Mike Cloaked
- [arch-general] Question about mariadb replacing mysql
Mike Cloaked
- [arch-general] Question about mariadb replacing mysql
Mike Cloaked
- [arch-general] Question about mariadb replacing mysql
Mike Cloaked
- [arch-general] Question about mariadb replacing mysql
Mike Cloaked
- [arch-general] strange behaviour of pacman, what did I do?
Shridhar Daithankar
- [arch-general] strange behaviour of pacman, what did I do?
Shridhar Daithankar
- [arch-general] Bonding networks with netcfg
- [arch-general] bluetooth headset vs. Flash Player
- [arch-general] Zsh, tmux, and paths
Paul Gideon Dann
- [arch-general] Question about mariadb replacing mysql
Paul Gideon Dann
- [arch-general] Question about mariadb replacing mysql
Paul Gideon Dann
- [arch-general] Question about mariadb replacing mysql
Paul Gideon Dann
- [arch-general] Question about mariadb replacing mysql
Paul Gideon Dann
- [arch-general] Forced to run fsck manually on unattended system
Chris Down
- [arch-general] Western Digital external drives
Chris Down
- [arch-general] Western Digital external drives
Chris Down
- [arch-general] svntogit 500/missing branches
Chris Down
- [arch-general] svntogit 500/missing branches
Chris Down
- [arch-general] svntogit 500/missing branches
Chris Down
- [arch-general] error during update of qt4 and qt5
Alexandre Ferrando
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Mika Fischer
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Mika Fischer
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Mika Fischer
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Mika Fischer
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Mika Fischer
- [arch-general] Zsh, tmux, and paths
Ivan S. Freitas
- [arch-general] Order of udev and autodetect HOOKS
Sergi Pons Freixes
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
- [arch-general] makechrootpkg vs. namcap
- [arch-general] makechrootpkg vs. namcap
- [arch-general] How to configure Qt 5 theme?
- [arch-general] nouveau or kernel which one ?
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Maxime Gauduin
- [arch-general] virtualbox-host-dkms
Maxime Gauduin
- [arch-general] virtualbox-host-dkms
Maxime Gauduin
- [arch-general] Device "eth0" does not exist - how to bring up?
Martin Gignac
- [arch-general] Package Maintenance Classroom (31/3/2013)
William Giokas
- [arch-general] downgrades when moving out of [testing]
William Giokas
- [arch-general] [classroom] PKGBUILD Lessons postponed
William Giokas
- [arch-general] Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
Sean Greenslade
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Sean Greenslade
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Sean Greenslade
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Sean Greenslade
- [arch-general] Bonding networks with netcfg
Tobias Groß
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] Future of dmraid on nvidia chipsets in Arch?
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] Upgrade finish in a "Kernel Panic - not syncing : no init found"
Tom Gundersen
- [arch-general] [wpa_actiond 1.4] slow disconnects
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] [wpa_actiond 1.4] slow disconnects
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] [wpa_actiond 1.4] slow disconnects
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] BIND10? No, thanks.
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] FYI: systemd 198
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] linux-3.8.3-1 ready for core?
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] Automatically stop systemd service
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] Automatically stop systemd service
Leonid Isaev
- [arch-general] Realtek wifi won't come up
- [arch-general] RFC: Mesa and shared LLVM libraries
Armin K.
- [arch-general] RFC: Mesa and shared LLVM libraries
Armin K.
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Armin K.
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Armin K.
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Armin K.
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Armin K.
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Armin K.
- [arch-general] Svntogit doesn't show new entries
Armin K.
- [arch-general] Svntogit doesn't show new entries
Armin K.
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] BIND10? No, thanks.
Armin K.
- [arch-general] community svntogit broken for a few days
Armin K.
- [arch-general] gnome 3.7
Armin K.
- [arch-general] Qt4 documentation?
Huang KangJing
- [arch-general] gnome 3.7
- [arch-general] gnome 3.7
- [arch-general] tomoyo-init on linux 3.8.0-2
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] Can't build virtualbox
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] SOLVED Re: Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Xorg-server 1.14 hitting testing
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] Hardlock after postfix/smtp entry in log - leaves 4 lost inodes each time - ideas?
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] Hardlock after postfix/smtp entry in log - leaves 4 lost inodes each time - ideas?
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] BIND10? No, thanks.
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] upgrading mysql to mariadb
Martti Kühne
- [arch-general] SOLVED Re: Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
Sébastien Leblanc
- [arch-general] AUR app Frescobaldi not working due to bug in current PyQt version
Sébastien Leblanc
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Isaac Lindgren
- [arch-general] Permission Denied cifs mount
Squall Lionheart
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] BIND10? No, thanks.
Genes Lists
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] BIND10? No, thanks.
Genes Lists
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Xorg-server 1.14 hitting testing
Genes Lists
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] linux-3.8.3-1 ready for core?
Genes Lists
- [arch-general] Can't build virtualbox
Sébastien Luttringer
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] ISO image announcements
Cody Maloney
- [arch-general] bluetooth headset vs. Flash Player
Nelson Marambio
- [arch-general] bluetooth headset vs. Flash Player
Nelson Marambio
- [arch-general] virtualbox-host-dkms
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] virtualbox-host-dkms
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] Virtualbox guest additions on custom kernel
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] RFID - 1. reader driver, 2. alien package for an app
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] RFID - 1. reader driver, 2. alien package for an app
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] Western Digital external drives
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] Western Digital external drives
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] rpmdb: PANIC
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] [solved] rpmdb: PANIC
Ralf Mardorf
- [arch-general] Gotta be a stupid gnome-terminal problem
Hector Martinez-Seara
- [arch-general] Zsh, tmux, and paths
Manolo Martínez
- [arch-general] Zsh, tmux, and paths
Manolo Martínez
- [arch-general] RFC: Mesa and shared LLVM libraries
Allan McRae
- [arch-general] netctl development
Allan McRae
- [arch-general] Forced to run fsck manually on unattended system
Daniel Micay
- [arch-general] Gotta be a stupid gnome-terminal problem
Matthew Monaco
- [arch-general] Gotta be a stupid gnome-terminal problem
Matthew Monaco
- [arch-general] can't publish keys to network? What?
Matthew Monaco
- [arch-general] downgrades when moving out of [testing]
Matthew Monaco
- [arch-general] downgrades when moving out of [testing]
Matthew Monaco
- [arch-general] Package Maintenance Classroom (31/3/2013)
Marco Monteiro
- [arch-general] makechrootpkg vs. namcap
Lieven Moors
- [arch-general] makechrootpkg vs. namcap
Lieven Moors
- [arch-general] Question about mariadb replacing mysql
An Nguyen
- [arch-general] downgrades when moving out of [testing]
Marek Otahal
- [arch-general] Virtualbox guest additions on custom kernel
Pietro Paolini
- [arch-general] PPPoE server
Pietro Paolini
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Julien Pecqueur
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Julien Pecqueur
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Anatol Pomozov
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
Tobias Powalowski
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
Tobias Powalowski
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
Tobias Powalowski
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
Tobias Powalowski
- [arch-general] More infos on failing archboot ISOs with Kernel Panic on start
Tobias Powalowski
- [arch-general] More infos on failing archboot ISOs with Kernel Panic on start
Tobias Powalowski
- [arch-general] More infos on failing archboot ISOs with Kernel Panic on start
Tobias Powalowski
- [arch-general] downgrades when moving out of [testing]
Florian Pritz
- [arch-general] Permission Denied cifs mount
Florian Pritz
- [arch-general] Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] SOLVED Re: Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] SOLVED Re: Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Device "eth0" does not exist - how to bring up?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Hardlock after postfix/smtp entry in log - leaves 4 lost inodes each time - ideas?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Device "eth0" does not exist - how to bring up?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] What changed dual-boot grub definition (hd0, 0) -> (hd0, 1)
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Future of dmraid on nvidia chipsets in Arch?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Hardlock after postfix/smtp entry in log - leaves 4 lost inodes each time - ideas?
David C. Rankin
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Łukasz Redynk
- [arch-general] Forced to run fsck manually on unattended system
Rodrigo Rivas
- [arch-general] Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
Rodrigo Rivas
- [arch-general] Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
Rodrigo Rivas
- [arch-general] Western Digital external drives
Rodrigo Rivas
- [arch-general] SOLVED Re: Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
Rodrigo Rivas
- [arch-general] mkinitcpio-encrypt-multi
Karsten Rode
- [arch-general] Weird issue with Google Talk/Hangout plugin
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Weird issue with Google Talk/Hangout plugin
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Installing by remote control
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Realtek wifi won't come up
M0r S
- [arch-general] Realtek wifi won't come up
M0r S
- [arch-general] What changed dual-boot grub definition (hd0, 0) -> (hd0, 1)
Mauro Santos
- [arch-general] Qt4 documentation?
Andrea Scarpino
- [arch-general] How to configure Qt 5 theme?
Andrea Scarpino
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
G. Schlisio
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Curtis Shimamoto
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Curtis Shimamoto
- [arch-general] bluetooth headset vs. Flash Player
Curtis Shimamoto
- [arch-general] Bonding networks with netcfg
Robbie Smith
- [arch-general] Bonding networks with netcfg
Robbie Smith
- [arch-general] Automatically stop systemd service
Robbie Smith
- [arch-general] netctl development
Robbie Smith
- [arch-general] netctl development
Robbie Smith
- [arch-general] Automatically stop systemd service
Robbie Smith
- [arch-general] Automatically stop systemd service
Robbie Smith
- [arch-general] Upgrade finish in a "Kernel Panic - not syncing : no init found"
Guus Snijders
- [arch-general] gnome 3.7
José Vilmar Estácio de Souza
- [arch-general] make/ execvp error : argument list is too long
Leonidas Spyropoulos
- [arch-general] make/ execvp error : argument list is too long
Leonidas Spyropoulos
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Leonidas Spyropoulos
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Leonidas Spyropoulos
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Jan Steffens
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Jan Steffens
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
Jan Steffens
- [arch-general] What changed dual-boot grub definition (hd0, 0) -> (hd0, 1)
Jan Steffens
- [arch-general] Upgrade finish in a "Kernel Panic - not syncing : no init found"
Jan Alexander Steffens
- [arch-general] svntogit 500/missing branches
Jan Alexander Steffens
- [arch-general] Forward all PPTP VPN packets to another proxy?
Bill Sun
- [arch-general] Forward all PPTP VPN packets to another proxy?
Bill Sun
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Szymon Szydełko
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Szymon Szydełko
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Szymon Szydełko
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Szymon Szydełko
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Szymon Szydełko
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Magnus Therning
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Magnus Therning
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Hexchain Tong
- [arch-general] Optirun sees no mouse, refuses to load
Hexchain Tong
- [arch-general] Weird problem of ALPS v6 touchpad
Hexchain Tong
- [arch-general] Forward all PPTP VPN packets to another proxy?
Hexchain Tong
- [arch-general] Device "eth0" does not exist - how to bring up?
Christoph Vigano
- [arch-general] Installing by remote control
Christoph Vigano
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
Daniel Wallace
- [arch-general] Device "eth0" does not exist - how to bring up?
Krzysztof Warzecha
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Krzysztof Warzecha
- [arch-general] bluetooth headset vs. Flash Player
Krzysztof Warzecha
- [arch-general] virtualbox-host-dkms
Sudaraka Wijesinghe
- [arch-general] Broadcom B43 problems
Arch Zealot
- [arch-general] Sound problems
Frank Zimmermann
- [arch-general] Forced to run fsck manually on unattended system
- [arch-general] Forced to run fsck manually on unattended system
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
- [arch-general] Is last archboot iso completely busted ?
- [arch-general] Cannot boot archboot iso with 64 bits kernel : no init found.
- [arch-general] More infos on failing archboot ISOs with Kernel Panic on start
- [arch-general] More infos on failing archboot ISOs with Kernel Panic on start
- [arch-general] More infos on failing archboot ISOs with Kernel Panic on start
- [arch-general] More infos on failing archboot ISOs with Kernel Panic on start
- [arch-general] gnome 3.7
- [arch-general] gnome 3.7
- [arch-general] make/ execvp error : argument list is too long
arnaud gaboury
- [arch-general] make/ execvp error : argument list is too long
arnaud gaboury
- [arch-general] make/ execvp error : argument list is too long
arnaud gaboury
- [arch-general] make/ execvp error : argument list is too long
arnaud gaboury
- [arch-general] Package Maintenance Classroom (31/3/2013)
lindenbranch at
- [arch-general] How to configure Qt 5 theme?
- [arch-general] Package Maintenance Classroom (31/3/2013)
Gesh hseG
- [arch-general] SOLVED Re: Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
Gesh hseG
- [arch-general] UEFI madness
archlinux at
- [arch-general] error during update of qt4 and qt5
- [arch-general] error during update of qt4 and qt5
- [arch-general] error during update of qt4 and qt5
- [arch-general] svntogit 500/missing branches
- [arch-general] MaraDNS and Zonetransfer
Δημήτρης Ζέρβας
Last message date:
Sun Mar 31 05:38:15 EDT 2013
Archived on: Sun Mar 31 05:38:19 EDT 2013
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).