[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] linux 3.16 in [testing]

Thomas Bächler thomas at archlinux.org
Wed Aug 13 12:44:39 EDT 2014

Am 13.08.2014 um 17:29 schrieb Damjan Georgievski:
> On 13 August 2014 17:26, Damjan Georgievski <gdamjan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> yey
>> thanks for CONFIG_USER_NS=y
> ahh no, I'm stupid.
> Checked it on another machine and got excited before hand
> :/
> anyway. is there a reason this is not enabled now?
> all the mainstream distros hae it enabled now Fedora, RHEL/CentOS 7,
> Ubuntu and Debian (at least on the backported kernel)

I'd think about it, if the feature wasn't entirely useless. Despite the
lack of official documentation, I found a document that described how it
worked. After reading that document I concluded that the feature is a
huge potential security risk with no actual benefit.

If you give me a valid use case for USER_NS, I might reconsider, but
every use case I can imagine is crushed by the limitations of the

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