[arch-general] Ncurses over ssh

luc.linux at mailoo.org luc.linux at mailoo.org
Sat Jul 26 16:09:33 EDT 2014

Hello everyone.

I am using newsbeuter to handle my rss feeds, and, to be able to use it
from all my computers, I set it up on a server with ssh enabled. When I
log in this server with ssh, then launch newsbeuter, everything works
fine. But when I invoke it that way : `ssh [ip] newsbeuter`, newsbeuter
fails with 'Error opening terminal : unknown'.

When I explicitly export $TERM[1], newsbeuter is able to launch, but it
doesn't detect the terminal size and can't handle keys.

So I'll be glad if you know how to fix that matter.
Thanks in advance.

In a totally unrelated matter, do you know how to make a remote program
launch local scripts through ssh ?

[1] : The command used is : 
          `ssh [ip] 'export TERM=rxvt-unicode-256color && newsbeuter'`

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