[arch-general] [draft] xorg-server 1.16 is now available

Leonid Isaev lisaev at umail.iu.edu
Sat Jul 26 23:27:42 EDT 2014

On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 11:40:18PM +0200, Laurent Carlier wrote:
> [...]
> Can you try to boot with the kernel parameter drm.rnodes=1 ?

Yes, but this doesn't make a difference. X still crashes when tries to run as
root. However, after a closer look, I found this in auth.log (sorry, forgot
to mention before):
2014-07-26T23:09:56.000-04:00 borei polkitd[823]: Loading rules from directory
2014-07-26T23:09:56.000-04:00 borei polkitd[823]: Loading rules from directory
2014-07-26T23:09:56.000-04:00 borei polkitd[823]: Finished loading, compiling
and executing 1 rules
2014-07-26T23:09:56.000-04:00 borei polkitd[823]: Acquired the name
org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 on the system bus
2014-07-26T23:09:59.000-04:00 borei systemd-logind[415]: kernel does not
support evdev-revocation

What's the need for polkit when needs_root_rights = yes?

Leonid Isaev
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