[arch-general] Installing Archlinux alongside Ubuntu on aWindows8 UEFI laptop

Alan E. Davis lngndvs at gmail.com
Tue May 6 01:03:47 EDT 2014

Well, the new wrinkle is that I can no longer find Windows.  I turned back
to "Both" as the boot mode.  All I see is the two Ubuntu options, and
Manjaro, the default.

Now I am in an unbeleivable situation where I am applying for a teaching
certificate in a state where the system actually will not work with
Firefox.  The site says that IE is required.  I can get most things to work
wtih Chrome.   However, I have run into a wrinkle where nothing is working,
so i need Windoze, much to my consternation.

Otherwise I would not worry about this issue.  I would proceed from here
with these GNU/Linux installs.

Thank you for all the advice.  Had I understood, I would have followed more
of it, and possibly with full awareness of consequences.

Alan Davis

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Daniel Micay <danielmicay at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Can I safely treat this Manjaro as an Arch installation?   I did this
> with
> > Antergos a couple of years ao, and it worked out fine.  Will I run into a
> > roadblock down the road?
> Antergos is Arch Linux, Manjaro isn't.

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