[arch-general] GNU IceCat should be in the official repos

Savyasachee Jha savya.jha91 at gmail.com
Thu May 22 06:29:25 EDT 2014

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 7:23 PM, Magnus Therning <magnus at therning.org>wrote:

> On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 12:05 PM, Richter Vania
> <richter.vania at yandex.com> wrote:
> > With Mozilla Firefox implementing DRM in their source code, I think more
> users - even those who aren't strictly Free Software people - will move to
> GNU IceCat.
> No, AFAIU Mozilla Firefox will not "implement DRM in their source".
> They will write an open-source wrapper around Adobe's CDM-thingie,
> which will end up as a optional plugin at the end user's side.  This
> may still mean that more users move towards GNU IceCat though.  Who
> knows?
> > I know that most IceCat users compile it themselves but I compiling it
> takes a lot of time and a binary package would help those people who don't
> want to use Mozilla Firefox but still want to keep their browser up-to-date.
> >
> > I know that Arch isn't particularly aligned politically but I see this
> matter as practical, many people are going to switch to GNU IceCat if the
> DRM is implemented.
> Providing binary packages for Ice Cat may of course be interesting anyway!
> /M
> --
> Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
> email: magnus at therning.org   jabber: magnus at therning.org
> twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

I'd say that if a majority of users will be using IceCat from now on, then
the PkgStats results will reflect this. We should keep an eye out on them,
and if the developers feel it is right, IceCat can be brought into the
official repos.

Savyasachee Jha

*"Aerodynamics is for people whodon't know how to build engines."*

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