[arch-general] multiarch support like debian, pro and cons?

Ranomier ranomier at fragomat.net
Thu Sep 25 23:08:19 UTC 2014

I wrote my idea first on the irc, but i think here is a better place.

The idea is to give up multiarch repo and make pacman and archlinux 
capable for real multiarch support

That means u could install a 32bit package from the normal repos core, 
extra, community usw and not from multilib repo in 64bit arch. (example: 
pacman -S firefox:i386)

And that means package maintainer don´t have to maintain two 32bit packages,
plus all 32bit package where available ob 64bit.

What are u guys thinking, about that ideas.
What where the pro and cons, that i don´t see.


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