[arch-general] Problems with Gnome or Xorg (?)

Lucas Prado Melo lucaspm at dcc.ufba.br
Tue Aug 11 17:16:22 UTC 2015


I've been experiencing some visual glitches in Gnome or Xorg (I guess?). I
can't really describe exactly what is happening but here are some examples
of weird behaviors:

1) Sometimes, when I change tabs in my web browser (Google Chrome), a
region from the previous web page gets stuck and I need to change tabs a
number of times to return to normal behavior.

2) In Chrome, sometimes, when I exit full screen, several visual glitches
happen and I must also change tabs.

3) In the game Klotski, when I repeatedly click on the pieces, small
details change.

Do you have any suggestions that might help me fix this?

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