[arch-general] SOLVED Re: Realtek 8111/8168/8411 Blues - cannot get dhcpcd address (link UP)

Aaron Laws dartme18 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 18:30:11 UTC 2015

> $#%#@%#$%... You have to enable IOMMU in the BIOS before the NIC will
> work!

Oh yeah, that, too. Mine is the last comment on
https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=186503. I had to enable IOMMU in
bios, then disable it in kernel using iommu=soft.

Yes, the BIOS eats up your flash drive. Maybe it only knows FAT32 or NTFS
or something. Just don't have it do any reading or writing to a drive with
anything important on it. It also does this to hard drives, so stay away
from screenshots, etc.

I'm happy you got it worked out!

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