[arch-general] [OT?] Which is most future-proof desktop environment?

bob bdjor71 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 29 16:45:19 UTC 2015

I use i3 with xfce4 session, It took me a while to figure out, but in the session and startup dialog for xfce4 you canchoose a display chooser on login, I disable all xfce4 sessions except xfce4-panel and xfsettingsd, install i3 with urxvt and all the plugins for urxvt (tabs, perls etc). In my ~/.cache/session I have the sessions xfce4 and i3 beneath eachother.So now when login from tty, the display chooser appears (when checked in xfce4 session and startup manager)  with i3 or xfce4 as wm.The xfce4 is only xfce4, the i3 is in combination with the xfce4 whisker menu, and 2 panels with mainly xfce4 features.
Also took a while to make the i3 config as I want, but to be honest, with this setup I am 10x times more productive.Switching workspaces, with dual monitor setup , the second monitor almost feels as overkill.Especially with laptop or 1 screen, things are super.
So for me i3 and xfce4

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