[arch-general] Arch linux doesn't recognises micro SD card

Csányi Pál csanyipal at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 21:08:05 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,

2015-02-27 1:41 GMT+01:00 Sean Greenslade <sean at seangreenslade.com>:
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 07:58:13PM +0100, Csányi Pál wrote:
>> > 1: Your SD card is damaged / broken. To test this, try it in
>> > a known-working reader. Note that Windows will not understand Linux /
>> > RPi partitions (but should be able to at least see the boot partition).
>> I can mount it's first partition, that with FAT32 type filesystem.
>> I can't only format it's second partition, with ex4 type filesystem.
>> Still does it mean that the uSD card is damaged?
> If when you attempt to do an operation on it, you get IO errors in
> dmesg, yes, that means your card OR card reader OR card adapter is
> broken. If it is partition-specific, I would assume that it is the card
> that is broken.

I bought an USB microSD card reader and with it I can use the microSD card.
I completed partitioning and formatting microSD card.

I have now installed on it Arch linux.
I can boot with it the RaspberryPi.

Thank you all for helping me out.

Regards from Pal

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