[arch-general] Why was wpa_supplicant.conf renamed wpa_supplicant.conf.pacsav??

Martin Kühne mysatyre at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 08:35:07 UTC 2016

Please, never ever seriously consider making pacman surprising in any
way resembling to what has been unsuccessfully proposed.
Does the pacman wiki suggest running the following line after updates yet?

find /etc /opt /usr /var -regextype egrep -regex '\*.pac(new|save)'

A section describing the results of this might also hint to why you
probably don't need to update your mirrorlist every time, why using
rankmirrors is probably not a good idea and that critical stuff like
ssh configuration should be dealt with immediately in the cloud,
otherwise users might be locked out.
Personally I also ongoingly ignore
/etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml.pacnew because it depends on
network device name. I think at some point I might have to discuss
this with the respective package maintainer.

Other than that, I don't like gentoo's way of dealing with this
problems other than the fact they ship tooling to actually deal with
the 3-way merge pacman expects from the user. I'd welcome suggestions
on this and actually was not smart enough up to now to somehow have a
script dig up the old version's unmodified configuration file (to be
used in said merge). I know there's the pacman cache, but pacman
itself doesn't seem to need that to know there's a merge going on.
There's definitely potential in doing this that might benefit
everyone, please approach me for a follow-up.


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