[arch-general] ML is being sent to Spam by Gmail

Uwe Koloska kolewu at koloro.de
Sun Jun 12 13:08:42 UTC 2016

Am 08.06.2016 um 06:26 schrieb Eli Schwartz via arch-general:
> Recently a (disproportionately) large number of emails from the various
> Arch Linux mailing lists are getting rerouted to my Spam folder in
> Gmail.
> Is anyone else seeing this behavior change?

I don't use a gmail address for arch mailinglists, but I see two problems:

1. Problems with DNS proxy (e.g. FritzBox)

The Tunderbird DKIM Checker plugin says:
  Ungültig (Kein DKIM Schlüssel im DNS Server gefunden)
  Invalid (No DKIM key found in DNS server)

AFAIK this is because the FritzBox doesn't return the TXT entry:

  dig luna2._domainkey.archlinux.org TXT


;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 29290
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

while asking my local DNS proxy server

but with explicitly giving the DNS-server

  dig @ luna2._domainkey.archlinux.org TXT

the correct record is returned

2. Additional Google DKIM header

Mails from gmail sender addresses have an additional Google DKIM header:


and maybe this is checked by gmail and considered when calculating the
spam level.


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