[arch-general] pacman doesn't show download progress

Darshit Shah darnirmlist at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 15:09:11 UTC 2017

Could you also share the first few lines of your mirrorlist file?

I don't have much idea about how `pacman` is implemented, so what I'm 
saying next is pure guesswork and speculation.

My guess is that there exist some mirror(s) that return a bad HTTP 
Response, that is a response without a file-size. A HTTP/1.1 response, 
almost always includes a "Content-Length" header which tells the client 
program what the total size of the file is. This data is also obviously 
important for drawing an accurate progress bar. Now, if the 
"Content-Length" header was missing, pacman cannot know the final size 
of the file before hand and hence it is not drawing the progress bars.

As a test, I would request that the next time you see something like 
this, go through these steps:

1. Delete the just downloaded package from the cache, so that pacman 
   will download it again
2. Replace the XferCommand line with this:
	`XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --show-progress -q --passive-ftp -c -S 
	-o %o.log -O %o %u`
3. Run pacman again

This will create a log file containing the Server's response next to the 
package in the pacman cache. Take a look at the log file and also please 
share the contents here with us. If my guess is correct, we should be 
able to see this in the log file, else, we find another way to debug 

* Ismael Bouya <ismael.bouya at normalesup.org> [170816 11:13]:
>(Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 02:05:44PM -0700) Moses Miller via arch-general :
>> Can you explain in more detail what the problem is, and show actual and
>> expected output?
>I have the same "problem" for a few weeks too.
>Here is the output of pacman -Syu I got just now on two machines:
>In the first one, you see download progress on the packages.
>In the second one you don't see them. Here you don't see them at all (probably
>because there are only a few packages), but it happens that I only see a few of
>them. The behavior is completely random, and on both machines: it's just luck
>that I could get the two different examples today
>The only line that differs between both machines in pacman.conf is IgnorePkg:
>HoldPkg     = pacman glibc
>IgnorePkg   = (...)
>Architecture = auto
>SigLevel    = Required DatabaseOptional
>LocalFileSigLevel = Optional
>Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
>Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
>Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
>Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
>[NB: I "think" it's related to curl (didn't check if pacman uses it though)
>since I have a similar experience once with that command in a non-related use.]
>Hope it can help.

Thanking You,
Darshit Shah
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