[arch-general] Cinnamon desktop and keybindings

João Miguel jmcf125 at elude.in
Tue Aug 29 22:44:47 UTC 2017


Since you ask for advice in general, I would recommend maybe trying a
different window manager or desktop environment. Cinnamon is nice
especially because of its visual appeal, and for its default visual
similarity to the traditional Windows desktop; but not so much for
customising stuff.

What do you think about trying a more easily configurable desktop
environment or window manager? I myself like keybinds a lot, and DEs
like LXDE and WMs such as xmonad and dwm allow one to easily configure
them — you can find a lot more about DEs and WMs like these in the
respective Arch Wiki pages. As a bonus, they're also lighter, faster,
and harder to crash.

João Miguel

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