[arch-general] gnupg: systemd enable in post_install

Damjan Georgievski gdamjan at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 11:17:35 UTC 2017

>> what's the rationale to enable the gnupg sockets in post_install of the
>> package?
>> https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk/install?h=packages/gnupg#n21
>> I don't disagree that the sockets maybe should be enabled (I have them
>> enabled for me), it's just a strange way to enable them in
>> post_install, and linking them in /etc/
>> Why doesn't the PKGBUILD make the symlinks in
>> /usr/lib/systemd/user/sockets.target.wants/ ?
> I did that in the pulseaudio package at first and people complained that
> they couldn't "disable" the pulseaudio socket and "mask" also prevented a
> manual start.

got it. makes sense

though users will need root privileges to disable it then, but I guess
for Arch that doesn't matter.


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