[arch-general] Thunderbird doesn't show e-mails

Giovanni Santini itachi.sama.amaterasu at gmail.com
Sun Oct 29 12:44:02 UTC 2017

Hello everyone,
I have a weird issue.
My uni e-mail uses Office 365 as e-mail provider; I've added it in
Thunderbird, but I can see only unread e-mails. All the read one are not
appearing in my inbox.
However, if I `cat` the INBOX file, I can see the e-mails and if I mark
them as unread from somewhere else I can see them.
Also, adding the e-mail address on Thunderbird on Windows doesn't have
the same problem.
Any idea to further investgation?

Giovanni Santini
My blog: http://giovannisantini.tk
My code: https://git{hub,lab}.com/ItachiSan

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