[arch-general] External monitors are no longer detected (Intel graphics)

Genes Lists lists at sapience.com
Wed Jul 3 13:52:00 UTC 2019

On 7/3/19 9:31 AM, Bennett Piater wrote:

> I was talking about external monitors not working, you are talking about wifi 
> cards.

You're right sorry - I replied to wrong email  - meant to be to this.
It should have been a new thread as different topic.

On 7/2/19 12:25 PM, Stanislav N. aka pztrn via arch-general wrote:

> Not only GPUs, but also WiFi cards. Got 8265 on Thinkpad T480 and 5G
> speeds are awful. When you're trying to download via 5G network
> something big - connection interrupts and won't come back until
> NetworkManager is restarted, also there are plenty of errors in dmesg.
> All fine on 5.0.x and LTS kernel (4.19.x), only 5.1.x are affected.

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