[arch-general] How to connect to iOS DCIM/APPLE* folders for copying items to the Linux PC

L. Rose lists at lrose.de
Sat May 25 15:22:07 UTC 2019

On 25 May 2019 15:23:42 CEST, Ralf Mardorf via arch-general <arch-general at archlinux.org> wrote:
>is there a way to get access to the DCIM/APPLE* folders on an iOS
>device, without the need to install GVFS? Would it be possible with an
>app that depends on GVFS?
I cant recall my exact configuration, but I was able to mount the media filesystem by clicking the device entry in Thunar. Thunars address bar contained the device's UUID and :0 at the end, changing the :0 to :1 or :2 revealed the media filesystem. I think I had to compile a recent libimobiledevice myself.

But now I'm using "PhotoSync" to transfer my photos over WiFi, since even wireless transfer is 3x faster (60 MB/s avg. compared to 20 MB/s) than Apples silly USB 2.0 connection.

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