[arch-general] new packaging of the kernel/mkinitcpio/kmod

Giancarlo Razzolini grazzolini at archlinux.org
Mon Nov 4 00:31:46 UTC 2019

Em novembro 3, 2019 21:05 Genes Lists via arch-general escreveu:
> Thank you ... I really like dracut - it works well.
> Only suggestion I'd make is adding "--mdadmconf" perhaps by default -
> though I can see it both ways for those who don't use RAID - if its easy
> to add that would also be totally fine.

That would require having dracut depend on mdadm. I think this is something
to be done by the user. I plan a simple config/preset per kernel that will be
called twice, once with -H and once without, to create the regular/fallback images.

Also, I've found out that, for some reason, dracut defaults to creating non-compressed
images when nothing is passed, so I'll probably add arguments to make sure they are compressed.

Giancarlo Razzolini
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