[arch-general] [arch-announce] New kernel packages and mkinitcpio hooks

ProgAndy admin at progandy.de
Thu Nov 14 09:35:56 UTC 2019

Hello Amish,

> I am not sure but I feel that install hook should now have higher
> priority so that kernel is copied back to /boot as early as possible
> instead of after most of the hooks. i.e. say after systemd hooks, may be
> renamed to 40-mkinitcpio-install.hook?

The order is correct. The initramfs should be created after depmod and
the building of dkms modules. I don't see why the kernel should be
copied earlier, anything that modifies boot entries should do it after
the initramfs has been created.

The order of hooks also has no impact on post-install scripts. Just
don't use post-install to change the boot menu. At that time the
initramfs images could still be missing even with the old packages that
have the kernel in /boot. This would mess up the grub configuration as well.


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