[arch-general] `base` group replaced by mandatory `base` package - manual intervention required

Greg Land landjgregory at gmail.com
Wed Oct 9 03:51:31 UTC 2019

You can take this one step further and create your own repo to host said
packages.  That way you can build aur stuff in one place and deploy it out
to a few machines at once.  We have about 4+ arch machines in the house and
this is where we are headed.

On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 3:54 PM Genes Lists via arch-general <
arch-general at archlinux.org> wrote:

> May I offer a suggestion and you may already be doing thi; its what I do
> to create Arch installs customized to my own needs.
> Either:
> a) Create a simple script with installs a list of packages you want.
>    Can be as simple as a shell script with a list of commands like:
>    pacman -S --needed linux linux-custom mdadm lvm2
>    pacman -S --needed networkmanager
>    pacman -S --needed vi
>  etc
>  Adjust pacman options to taste
> or if you're a little more energetic and looking for a bit more fun:
> (b) create one or more personal meta packages which you can then simply
> pacman -U.
> Every install you do, just copy the script or package file(s) to new
> install and you get standard install just the way you want it.
> I suspect many arch users do something like this anyway.
> gene

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