[arch-general] [ Pacman -Syu ] Creating temporary files..., error: command failed to execute correctly

Xianwen Chen (陈贤文) xianwen.chen at gmail.com
Sun Sep 8 20:22:54 UTC 2019

Dear Ralph,

Great! Thank you very much for the tips!

Yours sincerely,


On 08/09/2019 15.11, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Dear Xianwen,
>> there are quite many files on my system that had wrong permissions or
>> GID's.
> Perhaps there's been an errant recursive chmod or chgrp in the past by
> root.
>> Is there a way to automatically correct all the permissions and GID's?
> Others like Eli might know an mtree-specific way, but if there's a
> common feature, like lots of files under /usr/bin that are group xianwen
> instead of root, then find(1) could be used to first list what it would
> change, allowing the list to be checked by eye, and then correct.
> Something like
>      find -xdev /usr/bin -group xianwen -ls
>      find -xdev /usr/bin -group xianwen -exec chgrp root {} +
> https://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind might help if you're not familiar
> with find(1).  It has -user and -perm too.
> Or you could try and use the output of paccheck(1) to produce a script
> to execute, again after checking it by eye.
>      sudo -i paccheck --quiet --file-properties |
>      awk '
>              / permission mismatch / {
>                  print "chmod 0" substr($6, 1, length($6)-1), $2
>              }
>          '

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