[arch-general] No login after update

Giancarlo Razzolini grazzolini at archlinux.org
Wed Aug 19 20:16:08 UTC 2020

Em agosto 19, 2020 17:04 Yaro Kasear escreveu:
> Yes there is. The defaults are literally what's in the config file in
> the archive and not on the filesystem. How would that not be a way to
> determine default settings?
> I'm not suggesting the package manager would have to understand the
> settings, but it would be able to tell if the contents of that file are
> different from another version. (Which it obviously does already,
> otherwise it wouldn't know to make a pacnew file.)
> I can't imagine it'd be that difficult for pacman to compare checksums
> between files in /etc or /boot between versions of a package (If a
> previous version is available.) and what's on /etc and determine if it
> really needs to bother putting a pacnew file on the filesystem that
> doesn't need to be there. It's already doing some sort of check between
> what's in the package and what's on the filesystem already.

How is everything you just said, different than what pacman already does?
How would it determine not to create a .pacnew? If you can answer both these
questions, I'd encourage you to send patches to pacman. Because I couldn't
understand how what you said is any different than the current pacnew logic.

Giancarlo Razzolini
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