[arch-general] Chromium in a systemd-nspawn container?

Mark Raynsford list+org.archlinux.archgeneral at io7m.com
Fri Feb 21 17:59:44 UTC 2020


It seems that a recent update (unfortunately, I'm not sure exactly
which) broke my ability to run Chromium in a systemd-nspawn container.
Specifically, the symptom is that the Chromium window opens, but
remains blank and evidently doesn't respond to keyboard/mouse input.

Firefox in the same container runs without issue.

Is there something I can do to debug this issue? I'm using the standard
trick to allow containers to access X:


The only possibly relevant error message I see on Chromium's stderr is:

  ContextResult::kFatalFailure: Failed to create shared context for

I've tried the --disable-gpu flag, but that makes no difference.

Any ideas?

Mark Raynsford | http://www.io7m.com

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