[arch-general] compile shortwave for ARM 64 issue

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Tue Feb 18 13:13:34 UTC 2020

My way is not very easy. Sure. If I would simply buy some ARM64 compatible
stand alone board which would allow Me to simply install arch Lnux for ARM64
Bit platform, I could run gnome-builder and I could compile The app myself.
But so comple x app would never run on Android 8.0. Because this version
contain some process access restrictions. Even flatpak command line tool can
not work for Me. It require to have The system BUS access.

I have followed The following instructions.
git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Shortwave.git

cd Shortwave

meson --prefix=/usr build

ninja -C build

sudo ninja -C build install
You need following dependencies to build Shortwave:
. Rust 1.39 or later
. GTK 3.24 or later
. Gstreamer 1.12 or later
. Sqlite3
. OpenSSL
. libhandy
. Meson Buildsystem
Unfortunately for Me, I have received The following error when using 
ninja -C build
[janusz at localhost Shortwave]$ ninja -C build

 ninja: Entering directory `build'

 [0/1] Generating cargo-build with a custom command.


 rustc 1.41.0


 error: failed to load source for a dependency on `libhandy`


 Caused by:

   Unable to update

 Caused by:

   the given reference name 'refs/heads/.l2s.master.lock0001' is not valid;
 =Reference (4)

 FAILED: src/shortwave

 /home/wa/Shortwave/build-aux/cargo.sh /home/wa/Shortwave/build
 e src/shortwave /usr/share/locale beta

It is very interesting error.
What could I do to solve this please?

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